
  • Syahidatul Fitri Ramlee Labuan Faculty of International Finance, University Malaysia Sabah, 87000 Labuan, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan, Malaysia.
  • Haneffa Muchlis Gazali Labuan Faculty of International Finance, University Malaysia Sabah, 87000 Labuan, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan, Malaysia.
  • Tamrin Amboala Faculty of Computer and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.




Theory of Planned Behavior, Online Zakat Payment, Malaysia, Fintech


This study investigates the factors influencing individuals' intention to pay zakat through an online platform. Data were collected using an online questionnaire distributed through convenience and snowball sampling methods, with a total of 222 participants comprising students and working individuals. Regression analyses were conducted to examine the proposed model, revealing that participants' attitudes and perceived behavioural control significantly influenced their intention to pay zakat online. However, subjective norms, knowledge, and trust had a negative impact on the intention to pay zakat using an online platform. This research contributes to the literature by focusing on the emerging field of online zakat payment. Findings suggest that zakat institutions can enhance the efficiency of digital payments by improving participants' attitudes and perceived behavioural control. Additionally, future research should consider incorporating variables related to IT literacy to understand user behaviour in online zakat payment better. The study's findings are relevant to various stakeholders, including governments, zakat institutions, zakat contributors, and academics. Governments can use the results to formulate policies encouraging online zakat payment. Zakat institutions can enhance their online payment platforms based on the identified factors. Zakat contributors can make informed decisions about online zakat payment using these insights. Academics can further develop theories and models of online zakat payment based on the study's findings. This study provides recommendations and acknowledges its limitations, offering valuable insights for future researchers interested in exploring this topic further.


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How to Cite

Ramlee, S. F. ., Muchlis Gazali, H. ., & Amboala, T. . (2023). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INTENTION TO PAY ZAKAT ONLINE. I-IECONS E-Proceedings, 10(1), 365–378. https://doi.org/10.33102/iiecons.v10i1.103