Peer Review Process


The manuscript submission process for I-iECONS Proceedings follows several steps to ensure a thorough and unbiased peer-review process:

  1. Manuscript Submission: Authors submit their research articles to the I-iECONS Proceedings and Editors assign the manuscript among themselves for further handling.
  2. Manuscript Check and Selection: Editors perform an initial check and selection process. They may accept the manuscript directly, reject it, or decide to proceed with the review. Additionally, a plagiarism check using Turnitin is conducted for each submitted manuscript.
  3. Manuscript Reviewing Process: Editors requests at least two experts in the field to review the manuscript. The peer-review process is conducted as a double-blind review, meaning the identities of both the reviewers and authors are concealed from each other. Reviewers are provided with a review form provided by the I-iECONS Proceedings.
  4. Notification of Manuscript Acceptance, Revision, or Rejection: Based on the feedback received from the reviewers, the Editors inform the author of the manuscript's acceptance, the need for revision, or rejection. This communication is done while maintaining the anonymity of the reviewers.
  5. Paper Revision: If revisions are requested, the author is given the opportunity to revise the manuscript based on the comments and suggestions provided by the reviewers. The author may also submit a response letter addressing each comment and explaining the changes made.
  6. Revision Submission based on Reviewer Suggestion: After making the necessary revisions, the author resubmits the revised manuscript following a similar submission route as in step 1.
  7. Notification for Acceptance: If the reviewer is satisfied with the revisions, the editor notifies the author of the manuscript's acceptance for publication.
  8. Galley Proof and Publishing Process: The accepted manuscript undergoes the galley proof stage, where formatting, copyediting, and proofreading are performed. After finalizing these processes, the paper is published, either in print or online, as per the journal's publishing format.



Manuscripts received by I-iECONS Proceedings will be evaluated by the Committee members that will judge whether a manuscript is of potential interest to the readers of the proceedings. Manuscripts that are of interest, formatted according to the guideline for Authors and presented fairly well are sent for review. Typically, one or two reviewers are employed. Manuscript may be sent to other specialized experts such as on statistics or a particular technique where a scientist in that particular technique is needed to evaluate it.

Reviewers are assessed on the quality of review and other performance characteristics by the Editors to assure optimal proceedings quality and performance. These ratings should also contribute to decisions on reappointment to I-iECONS Proceedings’ Committee members and to ongoing review requests. Individual performance data on Reviewers are available to the Editors but otherwise kept confidential.