accountability, case study, institutionalisation, institutional theory, sustainability initiatives.Abstract
This study provides in-depth explanation on institutionalisation of sustainability initiatives. This study applies a qualitative research method, i.e. case study, to address the specific research objective. The findings revealed that a structured and strategic process of sustainability initiatives institutionalisation starting from a clear vision and mission is reflecting the commitment for accountability and legitimacy. The processes involve participation and engagement, self-regulation and assurance, performance assessments and evaluations, and reporting and disclosure statements. Two essential dimensions emerged in the findings to support the institutionalisation process, namely corporate image and culture. The findings of this study provide managers and policymakers with evidence to what extent sustainability initiatives could be institutionalised starting with a clear vision and mission. As sustainability initiatives are an important effort of the company towards materialising sustainability effort, is thus crucial to reflect the commitment for accountability and legitimacy. Past studies have primarily focused on sustainability initiatives from the perspective of several external stakeholders such as customers. However, this study examined the internal process of institutionalisation involving the four processes, in turn, introducing to the existing literature on sustainability initiatives.
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