sustainable entrepreneurship values model, artificial intelligence, social inclusion, Malaysia.Abstract
As Malaysia strives for a more sustainable future, the case for developing values to facilitate entrepreneurship better becomes more compelling. One of the lessons learned was from Fintech organizations. Their goals and outcomes in Shariah and Non-Shariah Fintech solution offerings have yet to be determined. The Sustainable Entrepreneurship Values (SEV) is developed using an artificial intelligence system that allows prescription, forecasting, prediction, and recommendation. The SEV model examines the action of Fintech organizations to create value in promoting sustainable, inclusive, and socially beneficial outcomes. The system offers better access to a wider variety of data, increased computing power, greater demand for improvements in efficiency, and economic growth. Providing an all-inclusive solution encourages Islamic Fintech organizations to reconsider the difficulties in achieving their goals, particularly social inclusivity (sadaqah, waqf, and zakat services). The outcome is to generate the SEV model, which adds value to the objectives of the Madani Framework on economy, finance, and communities; the Islamic Hub 2.0; and SDG8 on decent work and economic growth. The output provides the co-creation of value generated by the supportive ecosystem with ongoing innovation, with 14 sub-sectors of Fintech contributing to the co-creation of SEV values applicable to the Malaysian Education Policy on Industry 4.0. As a result, the SEV model explains sustainable entrepreneurship values that act as game changers for organizations.
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