Autonomy, COVID-19, economy, medical law, Sustainable Development Goal 3Abstract
The common and individualistic understanding of autonomy is that an individual has the right to exercise his autonomy for medical treatment. In contemporary decades, this pattern has been faced in numerous disciplinary and intellectual ways. In particular, the problem here is that advocates of autonomy have argued that the personalities, desires, preferences and indeed autonomy of individuals are almost often influenced by their relationships with others including doctors. There is a problem for individuals who have suffered from COVID-19 to implement their autonomy in making decisions about medical treatment. Therefore, in the sense of medical practice, this article seeks to examine and address problems relating to the concept of patient autonomy. The methodology engaged in this article is qualitatively based. Autonomy is essential because the patient needs to make sure that he or she is actively involved in the medical treatment, and not just bow to his doctor. As a result, we can see here that patients may be quite experienced about their illnesses, but they commonly do not know the entire picture of it. Good Health and Well-being (Sustainable Development Goal 3) enables individuals to continue to do what they value, retain the ability to make decisions, preserve their independence and uphold their own autonomy. However, the most important thing is whether there is enough autonomy in medical practice and whether the autonomy of the patients must be respected. This article suggested that it is important to have clear guidelines and laws with regard to patients in Malaysia including those who suffered from COVID-19 since the guideline and laws with regard to this principle of autonomy i.e. to make decisions for medical treatment is still unclear. It is suggested that it is incumbent for the government to prepare a policy response to address the needs of hospital resources and the economic aspect too.
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