
  • Mona Fairuz Ramli Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Science Management, Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis, 02000 Perlis, Malaysia.
  • Muhammad Aizat Md Sin Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Science Management, Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis, 02000 Perlis, Malaysia.
  • Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Science Management, Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis, 02000 Perlis, Malaysia.
  • Darhami Astuti Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Science Management, Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis, 02000 Perlis, Malaysia.




cash waqf, awareness, perceived Ihsan, Islamic religiosity


This study intends to develop a conceptual structural equation model theoretical paradigm. The present study investigates the role of perceived Ihsan, awareness and Islamic religiosity on cash waqf contribution. This study contributes to current Islamic marketing literature in understanding Islamic value in Marketing literature in giving behaviour. The survey method using sole proprietor Muslim entrepreneur respondents was exploited for data collection. A total sample of 285 completed questionnaires was analysed. Exploratory factor analysis findings show that the constructs have high construct validity. To evaluate the suggested study framework, structural equation modeling (SEM) utilizing path analysis SMART PLS 3.0 was also carried out. A substantial correlation between perceived Ihsan, awareness, and Islamic religiosity and cash waqf contribution is revealed by the model testing results. The findings imply that Muslims' perceptions of religion and the idea of equality have a substantial impact on their sense of religiosity, which in turn promotes the generous giving behavior of waqf. Discussion also includes the findings' implications and ideas for additional study. Two new constructs—perceived Ihsan and Islamic religiosity—are introduced in the study. The current study specifically offers novel insights into Islamic charitable giving of cash waqf behaviors.


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How to Cite

Ramli, M. F. ., Md Sin, M. A. ., Ariffin, A. S., & Astuti, D. (2023). EMPIRICAL STUDY OF GIVING WAQF BEHAVIOUR AMONG MALAYSIAN MUSLIM ENTREPRENEURS. I-IECONS E-Proceedings, 10(1), 862–878. https://doi.org/10.33102/iiecons.v10i1.98

Conference Proceedings Volume


Islamic Social Finance, Zakat, Wakaf and Takaful